Monday, March 23, 2020

Daylily Farm (Serenity Grounds) AKA Eustace Daylily Farm UPDATE

Hello Friends,

Weather is starting to get a little better here in Oberlin, Ohio but we have had much precipitation a cross of flurries and rain as the temps fluctuate around freezing.  Here are some photos of the work being done on the farm.  We are building the Ana White Alaskan Green house but doubling up from 12 feet to 24 feet long and appx. 10 feet wide (all from scratch!) been challenging but we think it will be really good for us when we are done.  It looks a lot better to the eye rather than a cold frame.

You will see further down in this post a temporary cold frame we put up in winter and was actually really cheap just over 100.00 for the frame, it needed support in the center due to snow fall, doesnt hold plastic real well but it came with a white cover.  We plan on using a shade cloth in the summer?! if it survives.

Ana White Alaskan Greenhouse

Cold Frame on the cheap!

We are experimenting with Raised Seedling Beds?!

We are officially in USDA Growing Zone 6 now.  Growing zones change every year, boundaries for us here in Ohio changed about 3 years ago from Zone 5 to 6.  Our daylilies are bred for look first but hardiness second and bud count would be 3rd.  We believe that the dormant daylilies will do really well in the raised beds but the Evergreens are another question?  Here is a look into our first one.  I really struggled with wood type, cedar would be best but i cannot find boards big enough.  You can see the first seedlings are doing well right now... we are testing with 3 daylily seedlings all of which have overwintered and starting to emerge!

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